Thursday, December 18, 2014

Codosophy defined

What is codosophy?

Definition: the coding of knowledge, or the knowledge of code
Etymology: "code of sophia"
Practitioner: codosopher
Purpose: to view and grok the world utilizing existing and novel coding languages and programing language theory (PLT)

Where does codosophy appear?

  1. "code" in pop-psy, self-help, and culture: The Code Age
  2. synthetic biology, biomolecular compilers, code-as-matter, 3D/4D "printing", matter compilers
  3. self-assembly, evolutionary programs, code-from-"nothing"
  4. domain-specific languages
  5. declarative vs. imperative language
  6. PLT in nature, physicalism/codicalism, super-Turing machines
  7. the coding of math (a HoTT subject)
  8. echoes of semiotics
  9. "language" philosophy, neopragmatism, ironsim
  10. ontic pancompuationalism (but assemblage-not-simulation)

Thursday, December 4, 2014


PLUM — Programming Languages Universe Model (or Metaphysics) — is the (growing) Curry-Howard-type correspondence[1] between scientific theories and computer programs. While PLUM provides a unity aspect of all scientific theories, a disunity[2] aspect occurs as theories are coded in different (domain-specific[3]) programming languages. One could have a language for molecular genetics and a language for particle physics, for example. The metaphysical issue then is not really about reduction and emergence, but becomes about what happens when attempting to translate or compile from one language to another.

PLUM asserts that code in multiple languages at multiple (abstraction[4]) levels is the basis for everything.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Code Age (2)

Would you call the current era “The Code Age”? ... I have dared to propose for so long that “code” is the fundamental building-block which creates the structure of human expressions and thoughts in the current era and all major influencing vectors like technology, economy and language are almost driven by codes and as human structure is code-dependent the power of code to influence human actions, functions, expressions and ideas cannot be denied … now, if the current era is influence in so overpowering manner by “codes”, would it not be proper to define this era as “The Code Age”? …

Saibal Barman
Introspective Mind

Much of why we are in The Code Age comes from media, pop culture, and self-help gurus. An Amazon search of popular books with the word "Code" in the title comes up with titles including "The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance---What Women Should Know", "The Bro Code", "The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How.", "The Emotion Code", "Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life", "The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue", "Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World", "The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life", "Your Quantum Breakthrough Code: The Simple Technique That Brings Everlasting Joy and Success", "The Leader's Code: Mission, Character, Service, and Getting the Job Done", "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn From The Code Of The West". More than a meme or buzzword, it appears we are looking for code that makes our lives better. In biology, there is a code revolution in the making with synthetic biology and biomolecular compilers. Code is not compiled just to be run inside standard computers but is compiled into actual biological forms living outside in the world. In mathematics, it's the recoding of mathematics in the language of homotopy type theory, Coq, and Agda. Then there's programmable matter, 3D printing, scientific domain-specific languages, ...

The Code Age (1)